Je suis comme ça, il m'étais arrivé de nettoyer la cuisine pendant tous le monde s'endort!
I have prepared the crepe batter yesterday. At 1:30 a.m. i cannot sleep, i hate to stay in bed so i get up and take the crepe batter out of the refrigerator...during sleepless night i should get up and got to do something...i sometimes clean the kitchen while everyone asleep and well that's me!

Voila, these were the result at quarter to three i have cooked the crepe (Silly Wabitt!). I am happy about the result because this is how i wanted my crépe, brownish in colour and this morning my family will get up with these lovely crepe and need only to spread with nutella or butter (salted please) or jams! Well not a secret, i have already served a couple before everybody!

Why two plates, the one on the left is reserve pour a surprise!
Je vais me coucher maintenant est on verra comment ça va se passer la journée... à plus tard!
I will go back to bed and will see how days go on, see you later!
8 commentaires:
Bonne nuit!!! Tes crêpes sont très belles!
Alors on attend la surprise!
super les petits dej chez toi !!!
Hi Relly
Well, never been thinking about cooking during the night, when not sleeping, why not ?
Your last articles are wonderful !!! I have been also visiting Sha's blog genious too.
Se reveiller avec l'odeur des crepes, ca fait longtemps que ca ne m'est pas arrive!!!
Clairechen, ils ont très bon, je dormi comme un bébé pendant 2 heures après la cuisine.
Choupette, bién sûr.
Salwa, avec nutella pour les enfants et confiture d'orange pour moi!
Jane, yes she have wonderful post too.
Tom, c'est drôle, anonymous utilisateur, mais ton nom et Tom!
Sentir cet odeur, sympha n'est pas?
Dis donc tu gâtes ta famille et puis tes crêpes sont très réussies.
Relly, i love crepes... now you got me craving them.
When we went to Paris, i had 2-3 in a row and at some point had it for breakfast, after lunch and after dinner.
I wish i had a crepe machine.
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