(Desolé de ne pas pouvoir traduire en française car je n'ai pas beaucoup de temp. J'essarai peut être plus tard!)For the third time of my contribution to the
LASANG PINOY 8 paslit edition which hosted by
Iska of Edible Experiment and sur to read a lot of exciting entry's about "mom's kitchen experience with the kids". My children are adolescent, and i had only this photo to remember the time my son assist me in my kitchen activity. This was when we are preparing the cakes for his 4rth anniversary.
When i prepared the "devils food cake" I remember he was turning around behind me waiting till the mixer finish his job, waiting for his turn as you can see he helpes me clean the utensil.

On the table i have prepared sausage in puff pastry-inspired from "Better homes and gardens, banana loaf-a cake cookbook, devils food cake (The New Basics cookbook) that i decorated which i copied from (Asutralian weekly magasins) behind his head were a biscuit of croissants shaped that Mammy Genevieve from Poland gave me the recipe,(she speaks french because she have lived in Belgium for several years). It was touching because when we left Poland she had made us one box of the biscuits for us to bring, and lastly was my very first time to make the "Anzac cookies" also from aussi book which is "fastosh" very easy cookies.

But what i wish to share are my childhood memories whenever my father has to prepare dishes for the festivities. Yess, it was my father who handle the big job of cooking. Of course my mom was also assisting band our role are the cleaning and preparation of all the ingredients.We were the ones who peels potatoes, onions, garlic..and chopped tomatoes. What i like most is the part when my father have pre-fried the potatoes.. we were sneaking around see if my father is away from the kitchen, then we stills the pre-fried potato, it was soooo good. "Parang french fries di ba". I have learned to make "Lumpiang Shanghai" with my sister. I have been enjoying the rolling of the fillings... "kasama ang papak" he he he.
Now that i have my own family i am glad that i am able to share to my kids some taste of Philippine culture even they do not have much occasions to stay there and to know more about the Philippines. I am reminding my son that he has to learn how to cook all the dishes he love because soon, he will be on his own.